Day one ....
1) Importance of Water-Dirty and Clean
1) Importance of Water-Dirty and Clean
So.... why are we concerned about water ???
We are concerned about water because it is our source of survival and it is a necessity to our daily lifestyles. Wether you are using it just for drinking or are going to use it for washing or sanitation.
Therefore we would want to keep our water clean of course! But in today’s world, 1.1 billion people have no drinking water, 2.4 billion people have no sanitation facilities and 3.4 million people die from water based diseases yearly. And this is all because of polluted water! polluted water can affects us by smell, infectious diseases, chronic health risks, environmental degradation, and societal and economic effects.
Water can also spread many diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery and more. To curb these diseases, we need to control granulation and the microbes involved.
An ironic thing about water is that economical development actually compromises the water resources. Thus there is a need to increase water protection as the economy develops. To do so, we need to find appropriate management of waste water and wastes. Asia will have the largest infrastructure spending growth from 2003-2030.
2) Revolution of Microelectronics Technology
In the future, it is predicted that the supply chain is moving towards Asia, China, and Asian countries are becoming the focal point of electronic companies. Singapore still remains with its very first advantage that allowed us to prosper so fast.... our AWESOME location, being right in the middle of all of this. The proliferation of electronics has driven the global demand causing Asia to be the one of the wealthiest hubs for electronics with the exception of only America. Over the past few centuries, many technological revolutions have occurred, such as the creation of the vacuum tube and moving on to semiconductors. Integrated circuits started in 1958 which consists of 1 transistor, 3 capacitors and 1 resistors. This has changed since entering the 21stcentury where transistors, capacitors and resistors by the hundreds or even thousands fit into a compact area. Electronics enable entertainment, transportation, manufacturing, medicine and many more to help improve living. The 9Os in Integrated Circuits are bio, radio, auto , info, nano, hydro, audio, video, and energy which is represented by a symbol.
3) Biomedical Engineering and Technology
There were 3 types of technology talked about during this session. There was nano, bio and defence technology. Nano technology can help us with the cleansing of water, changing the tints of contact lenses, biomers (transparent braces) and many others. A High strength to weight ration ensures that the material is light and strong at the same time, like carbon nano tubes. To strengthen other existing products, both nano and man made nano materials are coated onto them. As of now, nano research has up to 2D, with 3D still being researched on. OD being particles, 1D being wires and 2D being films.
4) IT for Animation
There are many types of animations ... from 2D stop motions and 3D animations such as avatar. All of this magic happens because of the mathematics behind the scenes. Both 2D and 3D animations require a large amount of prior planning before the actual show or film is produced. The process usually if not always follows this flow, starting with a script then a storyboard, character design, intermediate frame drawing, reference frame drawing, sound, painting, composition & shooting and the final print.
Can you guess the the highest grossing 2D animation film?
It was in fact Disney's Lion King which had a budget expenditure of 30 US Million dollars. Also the highest grossing 3D animation film was Toy Story, with a budget expenditure of 45 US million dollars. It requires strong mathematics foundation to be able to make such movies. Components in maths such as geometry, linear algebra, calculus, and laws of physics. Motion capture involves image processing and computer vision.
Animation also occurs in many of todays computer games which require animation, networking, database and artificial intelligence.
5) Disappearing glaciers, rising sea level, and why gravity is even more important than you think.
The key takeaway from this lecture is that, and I quote, “sea level rise will not be the same everywhere.” There are spatial variations and the term “self attraction and loading” from melting glaciers. The relative sea level is equal to sea surface minus the solid surface.
Because of the large risks and unforgiving wether, it is only possible to measure a few glaciers on the ground. Contrary to popular belief, Sea level rise would actually be greatest in the regions that are furthest from the melting glacier itself.
Being in Singapore, we are at an great risk. Obviously we are very far away from any form of any glacier or ice cap. This means that we are likely to experience a sea level rise of approximately 25% which may vary between 5 cm to 10 cm but if certain conditions are met, it could go up to 5 meters!
It may not sound like much but in true fact, That is a great increase in sea level and may very well collapse our economy and lifestyle if we are not quick to react.
The plenary session that left the deepest impression on me was the Disappearing glaciers, rising sea level, and why gravity is even more important than you think. because I actually thought I knew I new everything about this topic but in fact, I new nothing about it! I thought that sea level rise would be the same everywhere and right at the very start of the lecture, my mistake was obviously pointed out in my face. I found it very interesting as I got to know a lot more about a very current topic that I think concerns me a lot.
Day 3 ....
1. I chose this project because I felt that it would help me in physics in semester 2 where we would most likely learn the fundamentals of electronics and having gone through this course, I would be able to have a head start and know more about it when the time came to learn it in school. It was also fun as we spent most time on hands on work.
2. I was the primary presenter in my group as I presented to my project mates and professor in the lab and to the school. While seated it felt pretty scary, anticipating to go up, anxiety was building up in my system and it did not get better when I was on stage though but having the company of Bernard really help as he felt so at home on stage and that gave me confidence.
3. We were unable to finish our presentation slides by the end of Day 2 which we were supposed to and we were still not able to complete despite waking up earlier on Day 3. Akhil delegated the work to us and he made me create 2 circuit diagrams while the other members were doing other parts of the slides. Even after this, we needed some extra time to complete the slides.
4. Through this project, I/we discovered about basic units for electricity, formulae, components, how to put the components together and a lot more stuff. The basic units for electricity is voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (R). A formula is Ohm's law which shows that V = I x R. Some components are resistors and transistors.
5. The programme has instilled an interest for electronics in me and has built a foundation for future electronics education. I also know more about electronics that many of my classmates so I will have a head start in future lessons on electronics. I am also sure that some of the important information that I have learnt will not be taught to us in the near future.
6. After this course, I am more inspired to become an electrical engineer as I have realized that a large amount of careers could be opened up to me if I have a degree in "triple E"
Day 3 ....
1. I chose this project because I felt that it would help me in physics in semester 2 where we would most likely learn the fundamentals of electronics and having gone through this course, I would be able to have a head start and know more about it when the time came to learn it in school. It was also fun as we spent most time on hands on work.
2. I was the primary presenter in my group as I presented to my project mates and professor in the lab and to the school. While seated it felt pretty scary, anticipating to go up, anxiety was building up in my system and it did not get better when I was on stage though but having the company of Bernard really help as he felt so at home on stage and that gave me confidence.
3. We were unable to finish our presentation slides by the end of Day 2 which we were supposed to and we were still not able to complete despite waking up earlier on Day 3. Akhil delegated the work to us and he made me create 2 circuit diagrams while the other members were doing other parts of the slides. Even after this, we needed some extra time to complete the slides.
4. Through this project, I/we discovered about basic units for electricity, formulae, components, how to put the components together and a lot more stuff. The basic units for electricity is voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (R). A formula is Ohm's law which shows that V = I x R. Some components are resistors and transistors.
5. The programme has instilled an interest for electronics in me and has built a foundation for future electronics education. I also know more about electronics that many of my classmates so I will have a head start in future lessons on electronics. I am also sure that some of the important information that I have learnt will not be taught to us in the near future.
6. After this course, I am more inspired to become an electrical engineer as I have realized that a large amount of careers could be opened up to me if I have a degree in "triple E"